Air-O-Film: Vented stretch film for maximum ventilation & load containment. Ph: 800-466-6675
Air-O-Film: Vented stretch film wrapping for pallet loads
Air-O-Film - vented stretch film
Air-O-Film vented stretch film wrap

Watch the video to see vented stretch film in action.

AirOFilms are a Polyethylene stretch film with holes for ventilation. Air-O-Films are a proven solution for the agricultural, medical, food and beverage packaging industries. Air-O-Films come in several variations. Air-O-Films have the advantages of regular pallet stretch film combined with netting wrap. Air-O-Films are a LLDPE product, after use the material can be recycled with stretch film products.

Air-O-Film Products:

Select the links below for more information about AirO-Film Power Stretchable Vented Film and Pre-Stretched Vented Film.

Air-O-Film vented stretch film wrap Power Stretchable Vented Films
Air-O-Film vented stretch film wrap Pre-Stretched Vented Films

Pallet Wrapping Applications:

West Coast Supplies CorporationProduce: (vegetables, fruit, flowers, plants, eggs, cheese, etc.)
West Coast Supplies CorporationHot Palletized products: avoid condensation within pallet wrap. (soft drinks, beer, canned foods, pharmaceutical products, pet foods etc.)

West Coast Supplies CorporationChilled and deep-frozen products: fast cooling after palletization. (dairy products, ice cream, meat, fish, frozen vegetables, frozen snacks etc.)

For product information click here.
For sales call
1-800-466-6675 or send an email.


West Coast Supplies Air-O-Film Vented Stretch FilmAir-O-Film provides excellent strength, ventilation and is a
cost effective solution.
Air-O-Film: Vented stretch film wrapping for pallet loads 
Air-O-Film: Vented stretch film for maximum ventilation & load containment.  |  1-800-466-6675  |  Email